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WE ARE THAT WE - Virtual Suicide
WE ARE THAT WE - Virtual Suicide
"In the end, can we differentiate between what is virtual and what is real?"
The result is a sensitive, expressive and critical examination of one of the most current and sensitive topics in the virtual world: "Virtual Suicide". The innovative dance theater piece with traditional and modern elements acts on two levels in real time: live on stage and via interactive projection.
The main actors Katharina Lebedew and Dennis Mac Dao bring an explosive, emotionally provocative mixture of dance, acrobatics and ballet to the stage without taboos. They give shape and soul to the video installation projected there in parallel to a virtual, apparently isolated world of Internet chat. The gifted young body artists play out all facets of the difficult topic in their choreography.
The entire spectrum from neutrality and manipulation to hope and togetherness is impressively presented in the demanding piece with critical undertones. The two protagonists not only play for but above all with the audience. Surprising and sometimes confusing phrases ultimately instinctively confront the viewer with the question: "In the end, can we differentiate between what is virtual and what is real?"
Acrobatic Dance Theater
Directed by Pierre Caesar
A production by BASE BERLIN. Subject to changes.
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